Liver Health for the Festive Season

Author: Sudha   Date Posted:9 October 2018 

It is a sad fact of life that some of us have tired and unhealthy livers. Too much of the good life in dietary terms, via imbibing and consuming, has left us with sluggish liver function. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes for liver problems and can result in liver disease, in some serious cases.  For most of us, however, it is not too late to do something about our liver health in preparation for the coming festive season. There are foods, supplements, and drinks that we can take to promote a cleaner and better performing liver. Liver health for the festive season and beyond is the important focus of this article.

Eat a Healthy Diet to Improve Liver Function

Eating a healthy diet is the most straight forward step that you can do to improve liver function and to avoid non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). You can begin by reducing the amount of high-calorie meals that feature refined carbohydrates like pasta, white bread, white rice and saturated fats. Increase the amount of fibre in your diet via fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals. Focus on eating a diet high in protein, with an emphasis on oily fish, white meats rather than red, and nuts and seeds. Take it easy on dairy products, especially those high in fat. Your liver health for the festive season can be improved by eating a healthy diet along these lines.

Being Overweight is Not Good for Your Liver

Being overweight inclines you to having NAFLD; and the obesity epidemic around the western world means that the prevalence of this condition is greatly increasing. Regular exercise in conjunction with a healthy diet, as recommended here, will improve your liver’s performance. Consistent exercise will assist you to burn triglycerides and reduce the amount of fat in your liver.  Drink plenty of pure water every day, at least 2 litres of water will help flush your system and improve your health across the board.

Drink Less This Festive Season or Take a Complete Break

Reduce the amount of alcohol that you currently consume, especially if you are an excessive drinker. You might like to consider having a complete break from alcohol to see what it feels like. Begin by having a week off from drinking booze. You may feel so good that you decide to have a complete break for 3 months. Once you have adjusted to a no alcohol lifestyle you might extend it to 6 months or 12 months. Often, it is the breaking away from habitual social drinking which is the hardest first step and once that is achieved many people do not miss drinking at all from their diet after that. Water is the best drop on the planet and you will soon appreciate H2O as the best accompaniment with meals.

There are supplements specifically designed to help with improved liver function naturally. Liver Mate provides botanical broad spectrum healthcare, especially for the liver.

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