Saw Palmetto

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Herbal Medicine Materia Medica: Saw Palmetto

David Hoffmann L. BSc (Hons), MNIMH ©


Serenoa serrulata


Names: Sabal.

Habitat: Eastern N. America.

Collection: The berries of this impressive palm are gathered from September through until January.

Part Used: Berries.

Constituents: * Essential oil

* Fixed oil, consisting of 25% fatty acids; caproic, lauric,palmitic & 75% neutral fats

* Sterols

* Polysaccharides; galactose, arabinose and uronic acid.

Actions: Diuretic, urinary antiseptic, endocrine agent.

Indications: Saw Palmetto is a herb that acts to tone and strengthen the male reproductive system. It may be used with safety where a boost to the male sex hormones is required. It is specific in cases of enlarged prostate glands. It will be of value in infections of the genito-urinary tract.

Ellingwood gives the following specific symptomatology: "The direct influence of this agent is exerted upon the entire reproductive apparatus, especially upon the prostate gland of the male. It is demanded in enlarged prostate, with throbbing, aching, dull pain, discharge of prostatic fluid, attimes discharge of mucus, also of a yellowish, watery fluid, with weakened sexual power, orchalgia, epididymitis and orchitis, when associated with enlarged prostate. In women, ovarian enlargement, with tenderness and dull aching pains, weakened sexual activity, and small undeveloped mammary glands, are much benefited by its continued use. It is a sedative to all irritable conditions of these organs and is a profound nutritive tonic, operating much like phosphorus. It increases the size and secreting power of the mammary glands where they are abnormally small and inactive. It improves the tone and overcomes irritability of the ovaries, relieving dysmenorrhoea when due to atonicity. It may be given with confidence in wasting of the testes in the early stages and the development of varicocele retarded with the growth and nutrition of the testes developed materially by its use. To this agent is ascribed considerable power in reducing the size of hypertrophied prostate in older men and in quickly relieving cystic and other disorders incident to this condition. It relieves irritation of the bladder to a satisfactory extent, correcting the irritable character of the urine, increases the muscular power of the patient to expel the urine and produces a sense of relief that is in every way gratifying and satisfactory. In the treatment of impotence in young men who have been excessive in their habits, or have masturbated, it can be relied upon with positiveness. It will overcome the excitability from exhaustion and increase sexual power in those newly married who, having been anxious concerning their sexual strength or ability, have become suddenly almost entirely impotent after marriage. If the patient is instructed to abstain, from 4 to 6 weeks and to have confidence in his ultimate recovery, this agent in doses of from 20 to 30 drops 3 or 4 times daily, combined with a direct nerve tonic, such as Avena sativa in doses of 15 drops or the one one-hundredth of a grain of phosphorus, will establish a cure. It will relieve any undue irritation, due to excess and exhaustion that may be present in any part of the genito-urinary apparatus. An exceedingly important use for this remedy that I have not been able to find in the books, is its use for sterility. In simple cases where there is no organic lesion on the part of the patient, this agent has an excellent reputation for restoring the ovarian action properly and assisting in putting the patient into an excellent condition. One conscientious reliable lady physician assures me that in five definite cases, pregnancy has followed the use of this remedy where sterility was pronounced previously, and thought to be incurable. In its influence upon the nasal and bronchial mucous membranes this agent has been given withe excellent advantage in the treatment of acute catarrh, chronic bronchial coughs of all characters, including whooping cough, laryngitis and the cough of phthisis. It is credited also with cures in the treatment of aphonia."

Combinations: For debility associated with the reproductive system it will combine well with Damiana and Kola. For the treatment of enlarged prostate glands it may be used with Horsetail and Hydrangea.

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