St Johns Wort

Can be found in our Stress Guard product.

Herbal Medicine Materia Medica: ST JOHNS WORT

David Hoffmann L. BSc (Hons), MNIMH ©


Hypericum perforatum


Habitat: A native European , including British, plant.

Collection: The entire plant above ground should be collected when in flower and dried as quickly as possible.

Part Used: Aerial parts.


  • Essential oil, containing caryophyllene, methyl-2-octane, n-nonane, n-octanal, n-decanal, [[alpha]]- and [[beta]]-pinene, and traces of limonene andmyrcene
  • Hypericins, prenylated phloroglucin derivatives; hypericin, pseudohypericin and hyperforin
  • Miscellaneous; flavonoids, (+) and (-) - epicatechin.

Actions: Anti-inflammatory, astringent, vulnerary, nervine, anti-microbial


Indications: Taken internally, St. John's Wort has a sedative and pain reducing effect, which gives it a place in the treatment of neuralgia, anxiety, tension and similar problems. It is especially regarded as an herb to use where there are menopausal changes triggering irritability and anxiety. It is increasingly recommended the treatment of depression. In addition to neuralgic pain, it will ease fibrositis, sciatica and rheumatic pain. Externally it is a valuable healing and anti-inflammatory remedy. As a lotion it will speed the healing of wounds and bruises, varicose veins and mild burns. The oil is especially useful for the healing of sunburn.


Priest & Priest tell us that it is a "sedative nervine for muscular twitching and choreiform movements especially indicated for nerve injuries to the extremeties and teeth/gums. Promotes elimination of catabolic waste products." They give the following specific indications: Painful injuries to sacral spine and coccyx, traumatic shock, hemorrhoids with pain & bleeding, facial neuralgia after dental extractions and toothache, neurasthenia, chorea, depression.


Ellingwood considered it specific for "muscular bruises, deep soreness, painful parts. A sensation of throbbing in the body without fever. Burning pain, or deep soreness of the spine upon pressure, spinal irritation, circumscribed areas of intense soreness over the spinal cord or ganglia. Concussion, shock or injury to the spine, lacerated or punctured wounds in any location, accompanied with great pain." In addition he recommends it for the following pathologies: tumors, caked breasts, enlarged glands, eccymosis, bruises, swellings.

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